the last Sunday of the month:
31 January 2010
in the Plaza Mayor (next to the horse statue) at 12:00 noon
Women in Black
invite you
to a vigil in black and silence
– The utilization of war as means of moderating conflicts
– Socialization in a culture that educates us with the idea that war and violence are the only solutions to conflicts
– The promotion and enablement of values that reflect a social model of violence
To build peace striving for another society and creating new models. We are on the side of values that lead to social change endowing us with critical attitudes and taking a role in our social reality.
Let us expel war and violence
from history
and from our lives
Commemorating the Day of Non-violence
– The utilization of war as a means of solving the conflicts of the planet and the hidden economic interests that underlie armed conflicts (the weapons industry, plundering of resources, etc.)
– The socialization in a culture that educates us in the idea that war and violence are the only solutions to conflicts and teaches us to collaborate with war actively or passively. The strongest, the one with the most power wins, with the result that the conflict is not solved but is only silenced and will emerge whenever it finds favorable conditions.
– The promotion and enablement of values that correspond to a social model of violence: fear, social control, machismo (male dominance), blind obedience, power/subjugation relationships, resolution of conflicts with violence and force, and scorn for the weak and those who are different. We see that it is these values that pervade the development of politics, both internal and international, and are the broth for the cultivation of racism and xenophobia, which are necessary in times of crisis: essential elements for the creation of the “enemy” and the “need of security”, which lead to the increase of social militarization as well as that of one’s concience.
Women in Black against War
Want to build peace, striving for another society and creating new models. We are on the side of values that lead to a social change endowing us with critical attitudes and a role in our social reality.
Facing the current crisis and the apparent reduction in expenses dedicated to Defecence in the State Budget and the fact that investment for the military continues to represent 10.06% of the total of nationl investments,
– That one part of the 49.75 million euros dedicated daily to defense in Spain during 2010, be allocated to the promotion of peace through education, defense and promotion of human rights and the reduction of the great economic and ecological imbalances existing between the industrialized nations and the rest of the world.
– Support for studies to research peace.
– That governments always utilize dialogue and negotiation as democratizign and peace-making tools and that Human Rights be given priority over economic interests.
Traslation: Trisha Novak, USA