Commemorating January 30th School Day for Nonviolence
The women of the International Network of Women in Black join the petitions of all the Colombian Mujeres por la Paz

Colombia: Open letter to the participants at the Negotiation Table

Numerous women belonging to organizations and groups from very varied spheres and coming from all the regions of Colombia have united their voices in the collective Mujeres por la Paz (Women for Peace). In this way, they wish to be heard more forcefully because despite their constant mobilizations in favor of a negotiated outcome to the conflict, they have not seen their analysis reflected in the peace processes.

Once again, they reaffirm their ethical and political commitment to the building of peace and a resolution to the social and armed conflict. They urge the government and the guerillas to not leave the Mesa de Dialogo (Dialogue Table) without reaching an agreement that will put an end to the Colombian conflict. They demand to be protagonists in the dialogue, in the decisions that are made and in the building of peace; they ask to be heard so that questions relating to the rights of women are included in the agenda. A transformation is necessary in the relationships of oppression and subordination that they now experience: desiring to become political agents, recognized interlocutors to facilitate the discontinuance of the patriarchal pact. It is equally essential that the problem of land ownership be discussed in order to overcome the injustices experienced in the rural sector, as well as to guarantee respect for the lands of the indigenous and Afro-Colombian communities. A focus on the rights of women will facilitate the use, ownership and restitution of the land and can correct decades of insecurity and violence.

We, the women of the International Network of Women in Black, join the petitions of all the Colombian Mujeres por la Paz; we are aware of their efforts over many years for the construction of peace amidst very difficult circumstances and admire their courage and perseverance. A just peace will not be reached without including the participation of women.

It is time to stop war

The key to peace is ours also.

(Communiqué of 5 September 2012)

Translation: Trisha Novak, USA

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