CONVOCATION 27 September 2015: Inmigration is NOT the problem

Inmigration is NOT the problem

As a woman, I have no country. As a woman, my country is the whole world
Virginia Woolf

Women in Black of Madrid want to denounce the policies regarding migration of both the European Union and the Government of Spain.

In these moments, we want to keep in mind the causes for human displacements, the nature of the wars declared and brought about by our governments in various countries of the planet, clearly for purposes of control and dominion, as well as the policies they carry out in support of governors who do not have respect for human rights.

The recent events in southern Europe make evident an inhumane strategy for immigration. The European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union (FRONTEX) promotes militarization of the borders and converts them into a battleground where it doesn’t matter about the victims as long as it is clear that they will not be permitted to enter Europe. We recall that only 30% is spent for humanitarian aid in comparison to expenditures for FRONTEX.

Tolerating the suffering of millions of people to permit a few businesses to enrich themselves even more is both unacceptable and immoral. Our Government permits the sale of arms and the barbed wire being used in Hungary is made in Spain.

We are in solidarity with the women who live in the countries in conflict and suffer this misery of migration. When the social and human structure collapses, it is the women who sustain life, they are the ones who maintain the links of unity and are the agents of reconciliation.

We side with the civil population, who are the ones that suffer the consequences of wars. We are concerned that there is talk about armed intervention, negating all possibility of diplomacy. We think that the real and definitive outcome for conflicts should emerge from a change in the values of international policies and the participation of the civil society. This belief is clearly confirmed and reinforced by the disasters of military interventions that have taken place to date.

We are outraged that the great migratory movements produced by wars or famine do not worry us until they arrive at our doorstep.

Women in Black:

Demand an urgent change in international policies. We ask for a policy that will permit persons to live with dignity and respect for their human rights any place on the planet.

We request that the money dedicated to FRONTEX be invested in cooperation so that individuals do not need to emigrate in order to survive.

We declare our support for the NGOs, collectives and persons involved in supporting the migrants.

We demand that the Government of Spain and the European Union a design a more humanitarian policy for migration.

We express the necessity to seek actions against racism and xenophobia, integrating a perspective of gender.

We invite personal reflection on attitudes and prejudices in relation to immigration and the right of every person to a life with dignity.

Let us remove war from history and from our lives

Translation: Trisha Novak, USA – Yolanda Rouiller, WiB Spain

Further information (in Spanish):
“Un éxodo de 600 millones de personas”
“Radiografía de los refugiados en el mundo”
“Los refugiados no tienen por qué migrar de forma ilegal: las medidas que la UE no aplica”
“Debate: Crisis de refugiados ¿Debería Europa abrir sus fronteras o reforzarlas?”
“Europa gasta 13000 millones para frenar la inmigración, los traficantes ganan 16000”
“Impresionante demostración de solidaridad de los alemanes en apoyo a los refugiados”
“El apoyo a los refugiados desborda lo institucional en Madrid”

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