CONVOCATION 28 April 2019: European Campaign 5M Embrace of the Peoples

European Campaign
5M Embrace of the Peoples

For the defense of humanity, for migrant persons and their free movement, for their welcome in Europe and against neo-fascism

In Europe, forces of the extreme right and neo-fascism are gaining ground and tossing waves of hatred upon migrants and refugees. The unjust European policies regarding migration close borders and drive tens of thousands of migrants to their death. Many of them suffer all kinds of violence, especially minors, LGBTI persons and women who are victims of human trafficking.

They are people who flee from wars fed by weapons manufactured in Europe, from abject poverty caused by commercial and neo-colonist policies, by the plundering of mining and energy resources, by land grabbing and environmental destruction.

Those responsible for the economic crisis are the elites who govern Europe and not the persons who are migrants and refugees. It is the European policies that generate unemployment and instability, eliminate public services and cause cuts in monies for social programs. However, the presence of migrants and refugees in Europe is positive, enriches our societies, strengthens the development of co-existence and boosts processes of solidarity and the search for equality.

Women in Black against War from several cities participate in the European Campaign Embrace of the Peoples:

We denounce the manipulation and falseness of the narrative that blames migration for the social and economic crisis in Europe and hides the responsibility of the elite.
We repudiate the policies of hate and discrimination and the institutional racism of exclusion and rejection.
We remember that we have all been migrants.
We commit to maintaining active solidarity with the persons who are now suffering in that situation and to consider them an integral part of our societies.

We demand:

Compliance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, especially the freedom of movement and the same rights and opportunities as those of us who live in Europe.

End to the externalization of frontiers, the manufacture and sale of arms, plundering of resources and land grabbing.

The cessation of expulsions and establishment of safe passage for migrants.

That solidarity with migrants and refugees not be judged a crime.

We invite you to sign the declaration of El Abrazo de los Pueblos:

We invite you to the demonstration in Madrid on 5 May at noon in the Plaza del Callao Square.

Translation: Trisha Novak, USA – Yolanda Rouiller, WiB Spain

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