CONVOCATION 26 May 2019: Madrid, City Free from Commerce in Weapons

Madrid, City Free from Commerce in Weapons

Women in Black of Madrid are proud to live in a city that is involved in the promotion of the Culture of Co-existence and Peace and in the defense of human rights. In our recent history, the people of Madrid have demonstrated against the wars that we have been dragged into by the various governments of the nation. The local effort has raised monuments against war, such as the nostrolito of the Plaza de Prosperidad with the slogan “Here rests war”. Even the local institutions have given signs of their involvement through the Compromiso de Madrid de Ciudades de Paz, which turned our town into a Peace Capital in 2017.

Collaboration with the manufacture, exhibiting and commercialization of weapons has no place in a city committed to peace. Commerce in weapons has been branded for its lack of transparency and its contribution to the intensification and chronic repetition of armed conflicts that cause humanitarian crises, including violations of human rights, in various parts of the world (*).

The increase of Spanish exports of materials for war is very much related to the internationalization of commerce favored by the international weapons fairs, some of them organized in Madrid. The people of Madrid, committed to peace and respect for human rights, have already demonstrated in March of 2017 their rejection of these death-related fairs on the occasion of the sixth edition of the HOMSEC (Homeland Security and Defense) weapons fair.

Nevertheless, far from disappearing from our city, in 2019 one of these events is going to be held in the installations of IFEMA (Madrid Trade Fair Institution). On this occasion, the International Defense and Security Exhibition (FEINDEF) will take place this coming 29, 30 and 31 May.

Women in Black of Madrid request:

That in the city of Madrid there be a responsible commitment to promote dialog and negotiation in conflicts, reflecting these priorities in the selection of activities that would receive some sort of municipal financing.

That there be no collaboration with events related to commerce in arms. Public spaces should be destined for activities that promote a Culture of Co-existence and Peace and not to encourage armed conflicts. We urge IFEMA to not host weapons fairs, starting this May 2019 (FEINDEF).

That Madrid already a Peace Capital, be declared City Free from Commerce in Weapons.

We reject any activity geared to prepare for or maintain wars, including the exhibitions of materials for war, as this contributes to legitimizing violence as a way to resolve conflicts.

We call on collectives and people to join the campaign of the Disarm Madrid platform against these weapons fairs,

signing the declaration:

And coming to the rally:
May the 29th
calle Alcalá nº 51 (Alcalá – Cibeles)
at 7:30 p.m.

(all on twitter: @desarmamadrid)

Translation: Trisha Novak, USA – Yolanda Rouiller, WiB Spain

(*) About commerce in weapons:
Centre Delàs 2015 report
Armas Bajo Control Campain 2018 report

Pictures here

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