CONVOCATION September 25th 2023: Let’s build a social Europe

Let’s Build a Social Europe

On 1 July the government of Spain assumed the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union and during these six months, there will be summits of the ministers of the various areas. On 5 and 6 October it is the turn of the chiefs of state and government, who will meet in Granada at the Summit of the Alhambra.

Facing these governmental meetings, a multitude of social, neighborhood, union and political collectives will participate in the Granada Social Summit 2023, during which they will carry out all sorts of activities and mobilizations to manifest that another Europe is possible and that there exist other social models.

Women in Black want to denounce that the EU makes a show of defending human rights, peace and diplomacy as a way of managing international relations. Nevertheless, in fact, it carries out genocidal security measures at the southern border and does not cease to add fuel to the fire to the war in Ukraine based on their contribution of weapons to the conflict through the inaptly called “European Fund for Peace”.

Because of all this, we denounce:

The security policies of the European Union, which far from sustaining real security for the people (health, living accommodations, worthy conditions of life, secure transit for migrants), centers on closing borders, militarization and social control.

Foreign policy, based on guaranteeing the plunder by European companies of poor countries endowed with great natural resources, closing borders even at the cost of loss of human life in the Mediterranean in pacts with third countries to control flow of migrants.

The weight of the weapons lobby, which captures and takes advantage of the resources that the EU should dedicate to social ends.

and we demand:

Security policies that truly guarantee human security: from just access to basic resources to policies dedicated to face the climate emergency.

Elimination of the military expense.

Humanitarian migratory policies that facilitate applications for asylum and permit receiving migrants in a worthy manner.


Translation: Trisha Novak, USA – Yolanda Rouiller, WiB Spain

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