CONVOCATION 29 October 2023: Facing the Armed Conflict in Palestine

Facing the Armed Conflict in Palestine

These days in Palestine and Israel we are seeing all sorts of war crimes and crimes against humanity being committed, which causes us profound sadness. The Hamas offensive against the civil population of Israel is neither justifiable nor defensible from any point of view. The response of Israel against the people of Gaza even less so; it is genocide.

The situation of the people of Palestine has been unsustainable for many years, as demonstrated by the tally of civilian victims in information from the UN. The State of Israel has not respected any of the resolutions aimed at achieving peace in the area. Palestinians have been seeing for years how they destroy their houses, pull up their olive trees, poison their wells and detain or kill their loved ones without any justification. The current offensive of the government of Israel makes it clear that they are not seeking the defense of their people, rather the extermination of the people of Gaza. This offensive is especially affecting the most vulnerable, who have no way to flee other than to collect their basic personal belongings and start walking towards the south of Gaza. They are also being annihilated in this desbandá (Refers to when the civilian population of Málaga fled to Almería in 1937 pursued by land, sea and air during the Spanish Civil War).

In these circumstances, we want to remember that the international network of Women in Black was born 35 years ago in a central park of West Jerusalem when, during the first intifada, a group of courageous Israeli women decided to get together every week at the same place with placards directed towards the Israeli society that demanded “End the Occupation”.

We are in solidarity with all the groups that work for peace and understanding in the area and with all the conscientious objectors who refuse to take up arms to kill another human being.

Women in Black affirm that no army or armed group defends peace and that war is a crime against humanity. For this reason, we demand:

Immediate cessation of all violence and harassment on the part of the government of Israel against the Gaza Strip and the people of Palestine.

Immediate suspension of military actions, a ceasefire.

The use of negotiations and international mediation as a way to seek a peaceful outcome to the conflict.

Establishment of measures that guarantee the return to their homes of all the civil population displaced on both sides of the conflict.

The clear position of the EU and the government of Spain on the side of the defense of human rights, peace and diplomacy as a way to settle this conflict.

Respect for international agreements, which includes the return to the people of Palestine the territories illegally annexed by the State of Israel.

Humanitarian and economic aid to reconstruct all that is being destroyed, with special emphasis on sensitive infrastructure such as hospitals, schools and highways.

Humanitarian aid cannot be used as a weapon of war. We must not permit the blocking of basic products and supplies.

International protection for the vulnerable population, women and infants.

Translation: Trisha Novak, USA – Yolanda Rouiller, WiB Spain

After our vigil we will meet the demostration from Atocha to Sol:

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