
CONVOCATORIA 24 Noviembre 2019: El buen trato, el derecho de las mujeres

EnglishEl 24 de noviembre de 2019, último domingo de mesEn la Plaza Mayor (junto al caballo), a las 12 horas Mujeres de Negro contra la guerra – MadridInvitana una concentración de negro y en silencio:El buen trato, el derecho de las mujeresEn conmemor…

CONVOCATION 24 November 2019: Good Treatment, Women’s Right

Good Treatment, Women’s Right

25th November, International Day against Violence against Women

As we commemorate on 25 November the International Day of Elimination of Violence against Women, we want to draw attention once more to the need to work against the violence that is exercised against them for the fact of being women.

The violence that we women suffer is a fundamental mechanism of the structural violence in all cultures. Violence is the social response given through all times to dominate, exploit, control, degrade, humiliate… and thus to impose ourselves on others. This treatment is exercised against women in their daily lives; and in war, gender violence increases exponentially.

Women, at least half of the population, have been culturally considered inferior, property of men, with the function of serving the interests of the patriarchy, the nation and militarism. Being regarded as ‘inferior’ has implied our exclusion in social spaces – exclusion internalized in both genders and exclusion which, in itself, is violence against women, both physical and psychological.

Violence has modeled our relationships, as a result of which respect, consideration and good treatment towards women has not been a part of the process of socialization. We feel that violence continues to pervade our culture, causing women to not give primary importance to our right to be persons and we do not value ourselves for who we are, rather in terms of who our partner is. In this way, we adopt the position of victim and accept degrading treatment.

The challenge is to reject the thought of being a victim and always focus on our right to be well treated.

Women in Black observe that in order to work against violence towards women, it is necessary to keep in mind that learning, utilization, socialization and normalizing of all violence throughout history is the cause for the mistreatment and assassination of so many women. To make progress towards the eradication of this violence, we think it is necessary that:

Everyone must think about what violence in human relations has entailed and does now imply and redefine the changes that we must make in our conduct.

Educate from infancy the right to be well treated and to treat others well.

Education in school must stimulate self-esteem of both girls and boys in order to overcome the culture of domination of one over the other.

Society must not tolerate degrading treatment or the assassination of women for the very fact of being women.

Our governments must allot economic and all sorts of resources to ensure the safety of women who suffer violence and to facilitate their liberation from this type of treatment, so they can be free agents of their own lives and future.

We remember especially all those who have been assassinated for being women, their daughters and sons also assassinated and the orphans that this violence creates.

Translation: Trisha Novak, USA – Yolanda Rouiller, WiB Spain

No a la guerra en el norte de Siria

No a la guerra en el norte de Siria

Mujeres de Negro de Madrid:

Denunciamos al gobierno turco por la invasión de Siria.

Denunciamos a Europa por otorgar ayudas económicas al gobierno turco que deberían usarse en la acogida de personas refugiadas (también de Siria) y se utilizan para aniquilarlas.

Denunciamos a nuestras propias instituciones y gobierno que venden armamento a Turquía sin tener en cuenta la violación de derechos humanos.

Denunciamos a las potencias internacionales que una vez más interponen sus intereses comerciales provocando la inestabilidad de la zona.

No con nuestro dinero

No con nuestro consentimiento

No en nuestro nombre

Nosotras somos Europa sin violencia,
¡no somos cómplices de sus crímenes!

Mujeres de Negro contra la Guerra – Madrid

CONVOCATION 29 September 2019: Rebellion Facing the Climate Emergency

Rebellion Facing the Climate Emergency

Currently a series of protests are taking place to draw attention to the climate emergency in which our planet finds itself and to demand concrete actions about it from the authorities.

The current model of production and unbridled consumption has increasingly impoverished the most vulnerable on the planet to an untenable level, in addition to exploiting and deteriorating the majority of eco-systems.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) already advised in 2018 that for the global temperature to not rise above more than 1.5ºC we should at the very least reduce by half the greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and have eliminated them altogether by 2050. Any future situation that does not include these reductions means a risk for the survival of human beings and a great part of life on Earth.

We want to emphasize the intrinsic relation between militarism and climate change. Aside from facts like, for example, that just the army of the United States produces more greenhouse gasses than a medium size country; the truth is, as affirmed in Trident Ploughshares(*), “there is a direct relationship between militarism and the climate emergency, as militarism is one of the central pillars of the exploitative carbon-intensive industrial system that is driving the climate crisis. Getting to net zero emissions by 2025 will require a radical social change. Challenging the militarism that underpins the fossil fuel industry will be an essential part of this process. We must redirect resources from the military to address climate change”.

Women in Black:

Support the activities being carried out by social organizations to demand urgent action regarding the climate emergency we are now experiencing.

Encourage people to join the mobilizations and to modify their living and consumption habits to live in a more sustainable and respectful fashion with regard to the natural environment and one’s own community.

Demand that the governments take drastic and urgent measures and cease to put the profits of big enterprises above the well-being or future of the people and sustainability of life on Earth.

Demand a true report on the situation we are now experiencing and its implications, especially in countries like Spain, which is one of the most vulnerable facing climate change.

Demand the protection of environmental defenders, many of whom are threatened and assassinated by the interests of the large capitalist corporations.

(*) Trident Ploughshares is a British organization that works for the elimination of nuclear arms.

Translation: Trisha Novak, USA – Yolanda Rouiller, WiB Spain